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Tuesday, July 22, 2003


We're back from our honeymoon.  You can check out a nice shot of Shirley and me on our wedding day by going to Wallop's Creator link.  I'll be starting Wallop and Wonky back up soon in an all new format.  Stay tuned!


Who is Wallop?

Wallop is a fun-loving, adventuring Dwarven prince.  He's had his 50th birthday - the year Dwarven folk reach adulthood.  Customary for future monarchs of his people, Wallop must go out into the world for 20 - 50 years and experience adventure, gain wisdom, and find glory!  These are all necessary requirements for when the time comes to assume his father's throne.  Now, 20 - 50 years may seem like a long time, but it's a drop in the bucket for Dwarven folk - they can live up to 400 years!  Wallop will make friends and enemies along his path.

Questions? Comments? Confused (um, about Wallop)? E-Mail me at:

Wallop Mirror Sites

Wallop on KoT Website

Wallop on Fantasy Lair

Web Comics I Admire

Check out these outstanding artists and their work!  I figured I should link to them because, well, stalking is just wrong kids...

Angst Technology by Barry Smith
Angst Technology by Barry T. Smith

Pewfell Porfingles by Chuck Whelon
Pewfell Porfingles by Chuck Whelon

GU Comics by Woody Hearn
/GUComics by Woody Hearn

PvP by Scott Kurtz
PvP by Scott Kurtz

Voices In My Hand by Bill Charbonneau
Voices In My Hand by Bill Charbonneau

Shameless Self Promotion Section!  Please Vote!


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